Sri Maha Lakshmi Temple of Atlanta 

​​About Us

Temple Rules (Guidelines and Policy)

Sri Maha Lakshmi Temple started on June 13, 2015. The grand inauguration ceremony was between June 10th to 14th 2015. This is a Hindu temple which offers daily, weekly, and monthly very special services to the Hindu community. 

We are leasing the temple building for 17 years from the Allaire Klub Kids Inc. with monthly payments of $7400 since April 2015 to December 2031. We Spent  More Than $500,000 for the Renovation of the Building, Bringing the Idols from India, and Inauguartion Ceremony.

There are 4 priests that are working full-time in Sri Maha Lakshmi Temple. The priests will perform Inside and Outside Special Pujas at the Devotee's Satisfaction. Please check out Temple Services for more details.